Ashley Kleiman is the founder of The Right Ingredient and it has always been her goal to help others. Her journey began with a B.A. in psychology where she learnt all about mental health and well-being.
For many years Ashley suffered through chronic pain, anxiety and digestion issues. After seeing numerous practitioners, she realized that a shift in both diet and lifestyle were necessary so that she could feel her best. While these obstacles were difficult to overcome, they opened her eyes to the amazing world of food and how nutrients can aid in the healing process.
Through her experience she realized that you truly are what you eat. This brought her into the field of Nutrition where she studied at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, earning her designation as a Certified Nutritional Practitioner (C.N.P.). Today Ashley continues to emphasize the importance of wholesome food, health and happiness to those around her.
Check out The Right Ingredient weekly and you will learn that a healthy diet and lifestyle are both an essential part of well-being and can be easily incorporated into your daily life!
Ashley will share recipes, experiences and ways that you can adapt a nutritious and delicious lifestyle. Start your journey and discover the right ingredients that may just lead to the healthier and happier you!