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Food & Nutrition


Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

By On June 4, 2014

Hello my gluten free friends and bakers! I realize that it has been quite a while since I have posted a new recipe on the blog – almost 17 weeks to be… Read More

Food & Nutrition

How To Eat Healthy While On Vacation

By On August 27, 2013

I don’t know about the rest of you but I have always found it extremely challenging to eat healthy while away on vacation. Today I am excited to share an article by… Read More

Food & Nutrition

Do You Suffer From Candida?

By On June 6, 2013

What Is Candida? Candida is an ongoing medical concern that emerged in the 1980’s and is caused by an overgrowth of the common yeast called Candida Albicans. While Candida may still not… Read More

Food & Nutrition

5 Superfoods That Can Change Your Life!

By On May 7, 2013

You might be wondering why the term ‘superfood’ is so frequently used throughout the health industry these days. I want to provide you with some insight and tips into what some of… Read More

Food & Nutrition

5 Tips On How To Increase Your Energy

By On April 11, 2013

Now that Winter is finally winding down I bet you are all feeling a little bit tired, a little sluggish, and wondering when you will get your energy back. Trust me, you… Read More