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Gluten-Free Three Bean Veggie Burgers

By On February 27, 2014

Happy hump day everyone! I thought it was about time that I posted a dinner recipe for you to try out! This past Monday I was really in the mood for a burger.… Read More


Tomato-less Chili Recipe

By On November 8, 2013

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope after a long week that you can find just a bit more time to try out my new tomato-less chili recipe! It is the perfect dish to… Read More


Cauliflower Mash Shepherd’s Pie

By On October 25, 2013

I am thrilled that so many of you wanted my recipe for Shepherd’s Pie. Getting so much feedback really excites me and urges me to get my recipes posted on the blog… Read More

Candida Cleanse Approved

Squash and Kale Pasta

By On June 7, 2013

Hello friends! I hope that everyone is having a fantastic week. I am on day 10 of my Candida cleanse and overall am feeling more energized. There are days where the cleansing… Read More


Gluten-Free Chicken Burrito

By On May 10, 2013

Aside from sushi and pasta, Mexican food is one of my absolute favourites. I was so excited this week when I found Yorkshire Farms ground chicken on special at the grocery store.… Read More


Gluten-Free Turkey Burgers

By On May 2, 2013

I really wanted to introduce a new recipe into my dinner routine this week so I decided to experiment with a new turkey burger recipe that is not only gluten-free, but also… Read More


Dijon Salmon Recipe

By On April 11, 2013

While preparing a nutritious dinner can be tricky when you lead a busy lifestyle it is no excuse to stop eating foods that will truly benefit your health. One of my favourite… Read More

Candida Cleanse Approved

Spinach and Kale Pesto

By On April 8, 2013

This is such a simple and yummy recipe that is packed full of nutrients. Before we get into the preparation I want to share with you all of the amazing health benefits… Read More