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Gluten & Grain-Free Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

By On October 9, 2013

Hello my fellow foodies! I have to start by apologizing for being MIA over the summer. Time may have flown by, but I am still here and baking with natural and healthy… Read More


Blueberry Coconut Muffins

By On May 16, 2013

About once a week I sit in my kitchen and brainstorm new muffin recipes. I always try to have a variety of healthy snacks available for lunches and snacks when I am… Read More


Grain-Free Cranberry Pumpin Crackers

By On April 25, 2013

I am so excited to share this new cracker recipe with all of you! For months I have had a dehydrator laying around the house, and like so many home appliances it was hidden… Read More


Gluten Free Raspberry Banana Muffin Recipe

By On April 9, 2013

I always love having healthy snacks available in the fridge for those days where you are constantly on the go. My husband loves muffins, donuts, and croissants. I share that passion and… Read More


Gluten Free Apple Crisp Recipe

By On April 8, 2013

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was grocery shopping with my husband when we passed by the bakery and I noticed an amazing looking apple crumble. I went home craving it… Read More

Candida Cleanse Approved

Spinach and Kale Pesto

By On April 8, 2013

This is such a simple and yummy recipe that is packed full of nutrients. Before we get into the preparation I want to share with you all of the amazing health benefits… Read More